• Jesús Busca Restaurarnos Para Continuar Su Misión

    Autor: Rev. Jean Baptiste Kenol Rock, Ph.D. Oh Señor, abre mis labios, Y mi boca proclamará tu alabanza en este segundo domingo de Pascua. En el nombre del Dios vivo, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo. Amén. Por favor tome asiento. Buenos días, Iglesia, buenos días. En el evangelio de hoy, Jesús apareció por primera vez…

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  • Jesus Seeks to Restore Us to Continue His Mission

    040724 SermonXXXX ENG Author: Rev Jean Baptiste Kenol Rock, Ph.D. Title: Jesus seeks to restore us to continue his mission O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise on this second Sunday of Easter. In the name of the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. In today’s gospel, Jesus…

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  • “Control your Fear”

    “Control your Fear”

    Last Sunday evening we celebrated Haitian Mother’s Day, which is always the last of May. We were blessed to have people from English congregation, Spanish congregation, people from Epiphany congregation in Stamford, Haitian guests in the community of Bridgeport. This gathering was like an anticipation of this festival Pentecost celebration. We were using five different…

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  • Prepare the Soil of your Heart

    Prepare the Soil of your Heart

    My Dad was a great farmer. He had a great love and a great passion to cultivate a variety of seeds in the land, mostly beans, corns, rice etc. He could spend hours and hours to prepare the soil with his team without tired. He had been successful, everything he had, house, car, and other…

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  • Be Tolerant

    Be Tolerant

    “Be tolerant” Every day we practice tolerance, some days better than others, because to do so is to follow Jesus’ word, since we are all in this together. The fact that you continue to invite me to lead a worship for you today  is because you have an attitude of tolerance. I don’t speak like you do.…

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  • Keep following Jesus

    Keep following Jesus

    There are many people that we follow in our lives, our parents, our bosses, but it is most important to follow Jesus. Only He can transform our lives. If someone asks you: Hey, follow me. What are you going to do, or what are you going to say to that person? Are you going to…

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  • “Welcome others”

    “Welcome others”

    Jesus says to his disciples, “ Whoever welcomes you, welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. (Matthew 10:40). Welcoming others is part of our obligations as Christians and members of the church. When you welcome others, strangers or visitors, they can become our fellow parishioners. It seems simple, but that…

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    ‘God’s promises” God keeps his promises, and he always does. About 8 centuries before Christ, through the mouth of prophet Joel, God declared this: “ I will pour out my spirit upon all people – sons and daughters, men and women. God accomplished his promises the day of Pentecost to his Church. Did God ask…

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  • With Jesus, all things are possible

    With Jesus, all things are possible

    Can we do anything without Jesus? The disciples who fished on the sea of Tiberiade spent the whole night without catching any fish. As soon as Jesus told them to direct their nets onto the right side, they trusted and obeyed him. In a short period, they caught a lot of big fish and the…

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  • Christ Is Risen. He is risen Indeed

    Christ Is Risen. He is risen Indeed

    Let us pray: Almighty God, sanctify me with your truth, and guide my thought and that you would set me apart for your use and glory. In the name of the living God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Today we are celebrating together. Today is the anniversary of the greatest day in all of…

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Jean Rock: Love and Justice for All

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