Holy Friday Is Good Friday: Why?

Author: Rev. Jean Baptiste Kenol Rock, Ph.D.

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth shall proclaim your praise.

In the name of the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Last night, after the celebration of the Washing Feet, I got a flat tired by leaving the church.

The Holy Spirit guided me to park in the parking of the center firehouse.

An angel was behind me. It was a parishioner of the church helping me change the flat tire, and then a firefighter came up to teach us how to do it quickly.

I have been thankful for what the parishioner and the firefighter did for me last night.

God, who sent his Son to die on the cross, is always with us.

Friday of Holy Week is Good Friday. Why do we gather here?

We gather here to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.

Considering what Jesus did for us on the cross makes Good Friday suitable. 

On Good Friday, we go to the whole passion of Jesus Christ. That will help us remember what Jesus did for us on the cross, which John defines as the instrument of our salvation.

The analogy that I would like to use is the US military people who lay down their lives to make us safe in this Nation. They understand the passion that we are talking about.

There is no greater love than anyone who lays down his life for others in a passion we remember.

More importantly, Jesus, the Beloved Son of God, came to earth and gave his life with a passion that he forgives, redeems, and saves us forever.’

He came in a divine rescue 2000 years ago to die on a cross; he was oppressed, afflicted, and humiliated for you and me.

I want you to know that it was on the cross that Jesus destroyed the spiritual death for everyone who believes in him.

It was on the cross that Jesus destroyed the separation between God and us.

It was on the Cross that Jesus reconciled us with God, according to the second letter of Paul to Timothy, chapter one, verse 10.

Paul is specific on the cross when he says our debt died with Jesus. It is a wonderful news. 

Jesus cancels the record of debt that stood against us with legal demands. He set aside nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14).

How did Jesus cancel the record of debt of our sins? By shedding his blood on the cross. 

Jesus has washed away our sins with the 28,430 drops of blood that he lost on the cross, according to many theological researchers.

Again, Good Friday is suitable, considering what Jesus did for us on the cross.

This event is a spiritual reality; Jesus is washing away our sins forever as soon as we believe in him.

I love that song called “ What can wash my sins?” I often sing it with my family, particularly during this Holy Week.

What can wash away my sins,

nothing but the blood of Jesus?

What can make me whole again,

nothing but the blood of Jesus?

O precious is the flow

that makes me white as snow.

No other fount I know,

nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Jesus shed his blood on the cross with a passion that he forgives us, and saves us.

What can we say on this Good Friday?

We can say: Thank You, Jesus, for Your Blood to wash away our sins.

Let’s say together: Thank You, Jesus, for Your Blood on the cross to wash away our sins.

At the cross, your debt died with Jesus, and Paul said in Romans 10:1, “Now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus.”

The power of the life-giving Spirit has freed us from the power of sin that leads to death.

The blood of Jesus on the cross erased all the records of our sins once and for all. 

All we need to do is receive Jesus and believe in him with all our hearts, minds, and souls. 

Even though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though red like crimson, I will make them white as wool, Isaiah 1:18.

The grateful thief, the penitent thief who was on the right hand of Jesus who deserved to die on the cross according to Roman law, said to Jesus,

“Lord, remember me when you come in your kingdom (Luke 23:42).”

The thief believed that Jesus was Lord and a king with a real kingdom. 

Jesus told him, “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” 

The angels of heaven were watching this thief who deserved hell, would be the first one that Jesus would take to paradise.

Jesus shed his blood on the cross on Good Friday 2000 years ago with a passion that all people who believe in him must receive forgiveness.

Let’s be aware that Good Friday is called good; we can receive our salvation.

Let this Friday in Holy Week be good for you.

Remember, on the cross, we, as Jesus’ believers, God has ended our spiritual death, our separation from him, and we become his children forever; that’s why it is Good Friday.







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