Jesus’ Resurrection: Our Victory Over Death.

Rev. Jean Baptiste Kenol Rock, Ph.D.

May the word of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength, and my Redeemer.

In the name of the living God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen. 

A very blessed and happy Easter to you all!

“This is the day that the Lord has made, and let us rejoice and be glad in it” (Psalm 118:24).

We praise our resurrected Jesus Christ, our Savior, and Redeemer, our triumphant Holy Day. Although we live in a world of war, terrible things happen daily: with joy, love, and hope, we continue to pray that all people find a way to live in Peace and as children of one Father.

Our Savior Jesus Christ is risen, Hallelujah! Praise Him all day; because of that, we have victory over Death.

Early Sunday morning, a group of women

Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Joan, Salome, and others, went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus. When they went to the tomb, they found an empty tomb. They have been asked in a vision: Why do you look for the living among the dead? The one you are looking at is not here; he has risen. At that moment, the ladies remembered when Jesus said: I must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things, and be killed and, on the third day, rise again.

Yes, the one you seek, he is not here; he has risen; indeed, he has risen.

The cross on which they crucified him is empty towards heaven, and the tomb in which they buried him is empty. Hallelujah, Christ has risen; indeed, he has risen. Praise Him all day long.

The day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the most crucial event in the history of humanity.

It is the story of Jesus Christ rising from the dead after being crucified on the cross and buried in the tomb. It means that we can count on life after Death; we can count on the fulfillment of his promises that we, too, will rise from the dead to experience a victorious and eternal life in which all tears, pain, crying, and mourning for Death will be wiped away. Will no longer exist (John 14:19, Revelation 21:4).

Easter Sunday, or the day of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, is the central point mentioned in the book of Acts. We must bring the heart of the good news to this troubled world.

“This is the day that the Lord has made, and let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

Isaiah prophesied this day 500 years ago, and Paul rephrased this idea, saying: the day Jesus rose from the dead should be celebrated with joy and glory – Rejoice always, no matter what, for it is the day the “SON” came forth.”. from the grave and the whole story changed forever. As a result, the day of resurrection must be the center of our lives.

If the day of the resurrection is to be the center of our lives, we must celebrate it annually at Easter and daily. If the day of resurrection is to be the center of our lives, we must love each other. Remember, Easter Sunday reveals God’s love for all. Last Holy Thursday, Love received and love to give.

The Easter message or the message of the resurrection calls you and me to learn two things. First, Death is natural, but he does not have the last word. Second, through Jesus Christ, who defeated Death on the cross, God opened the door to eternal life by having the last word. Despite the many challenges, wars, violence, and destruction we face, we have the right to celebrate today with joy, love, and hope that Jesus has risen. We agree to unite and join the global Church in prayer to bring this joy, love, and hope to all suffering people.

The message of the risen Christ reveals to us that God has a mighty hand and will deliver all people who face tribulations: the people of Palestine, Haiti, Israel, Ukraine, and Russia.

What evidence can I give you about the resurrection of Jesus?

It was seen by more than 500 people on twelve different occasions (1 Corinthians 15:3-5)

Jesus also appeared to his disciples in a closed place, saying, “Peace be with you. Look at my hands and my feet; Look, it’s me. Touch me and see because a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you know that I have.

With the resurrection of Jesus, we firmly believe that everything is possible. With the resurrection of Jesus, we should not be discouraged by any situation we face today. With the resurrection of Jesus, we have much more hope than anyone else in the world.

“This is the day that the Lord has made, and let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

The God we serve is robust; with his mighty hand, he raised his beloved Son from the dead to redeem us.

We know today that Death does not have the last word, but through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, life, victorious and eternal life, has the last word.

When facing Death, we must embrace it with joy, love, and hope, knowing that God will resurrect us the same way he did Jesus.

In the Easter message, we must learn two things. First, Death is natural but not final. Second, in Jesus Christ, life, eternal life has the last word.

The Easter message, the resurrection message of Jesus, reveals the power of God, the presence of God, and God’s restoration of human worth and dignity.

Finally, we must strengthen our faith for Easter Sunday Mass to build a beloved community following Jesus Christ, our risen Lord. We are happy and blessed by Jesus’ resurrection; because of that, we have victory over Death. No matter what happens to us, rejoice in the Lord Jesus Christ; He is risen. Indeed, He is risen, Alleluia! Amen






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