Live in Harmony

Almighty God, let your word move the hearts of all of us who listen to it.  Speak to us through our minds, and bring peace, and harmony so that we may become one body through your Son Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

May God shine a light for you and guide you with it to do what is best for you and Him.

This morning I will do my annual report as a sermon.

I will start today with some questions and my point is to challenge each of you to live in harmony with yourself and with one another.

When was the last time you made yourself available to someone who really needs help to accomplish something? When was the last time you said to someone, I am here for you? When was the last time you said to someone, can I help you?

The collect of the day this morning tells us to ask God to shine His Light in our life to illuminate our path and make Him known to the ends of the earth so that we may live unity.

What does it mean to be illuminated by God’s Word?  To be illuminated by God’s Word is to create time to read the word of God, listen to it, meditate on it, apply it in your daily life, and preserve this word into your heart, mind and soul day and night.

I want to share this spiritual practice with you as an introduction to my annual report. This practice will help you to make God known in all that you say and in all that you do. That will help you to live in harmony with yourself and with one another.

As one body in Christ, harmony is non-negotiable.

Harmony is what we all need to live as one body in Christ.

Remember the hard work that you do in your daily life is not only for yourself, but it is also for others.

It is so true, at the end of the day, God will call you and you let everything for others.

Sometimes you don’t even have time to name in your will those you love or your church.

The most important thing in life is to work for God’s glory and for his people. I strongly believe, in doing so you will never be discouraged by anyone during your journey as God’s servant. You will stand firm, you will stay strong in the Lord and you will continue to speak God’s power among all people.

This is my third annual parish meeting at St John’s. The first one was on March 2021, the second on January 2022, the third one is today January 15th, 2023.

First, I must give thanks to the almighty God who has given me good health to work with you with passion and love. Being able to lead 101 Eucharist services during this past year 2022. 39 Eucharist services in English, 47 in Spanish, and 15 in French and Creole.

I guide 11 people to be confirmed and received by the Right Reverend Martin Field, Bishop of West Missouri on Saturday June 6th,  2022 at Christ Church,…

I visit people who are sick, call them and pray with them on the phone.

Second, I must give thanks to your Wardens Len and Yvette, our sexton Washington, our worship leaders, Raymond, Len, Yvette, Rhona, Rick, Helen, Kettie, Pascale, Lozama Elizabeth, Abraham, Archile, Wilky, our treasurer Sonia; our clerk Kevin, our chairman of the property  and finances committee, Dr Green, our Choir director, Sharon, our organists Ronald and Renex, our musicians Hector and Rick, all members of the vestry,  property committee,  finances committee, altar guild, choir, flower ministry, St John’s Family Center, and our delegates of the diocese and the Council of Churches for your leadership and dedication.

I can’t thank you enough for creating time to make this community a place of hospitality. Many of you did not hesitate to donate to families in need. The family in Ukraine, Haiti, Bridgeport, and beyond.

Many of you did not hesitate to spend time every week to help to organize the administration of St John’s after your long day work. Many of you are always present to give good ideas and recommendations for the benefit of St John’s.

The experiences at St John’s during those 26 months and 13 days have shaped the way I think as a good leader. Through different meetings led by different officers of the vestry, I have learned to be a good leader is to do what the majority would like to do, and be available for all and focus on the vision of the majority.

In all meetings, I followed the flow of the majority. 

Another question can be raised: As Christians, for what reason are we called on earth? We are called on earth, not to please only ourselves but more importantly to do all for God’s glory and for the benefit of his people. We are called to be available for those in need. We are called to tell the needy, I am here for you, and how can I help you.

More so, helping others is helping yourself, and build harmony and unity among us. We need to do all this because we are one body in Christ.

If you are uncomfortable helping others, ask God in your prayers to illuminate you by his word. God’s word will guide your way as a light would help you navigate the path. God’s word will give you clarity and direction in making decisions as you walk through the journey of life. David was illuminated by God’s word and he even said in his psalm 119; 105, “God’s word is a lamp to his feet and a light to his path.”

May God let his words move our hearts, and his harmony rule our mind. May God guide us and direct us in all our sayings and doings to make him known to the end of the earth. May God help us despite our personal and family work, to create time to read the word of God, listen to it, meditate on it, apply it in your daily life, and preserve this word into your soul day and night.

May God help us to do all for his glory, in all our works begun, continued and ended, and become one body in Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Amen.






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